Look what I found!


- 18 people of 45 have a mother.

- more people have seen planet of the apes than would admit had mothers

- 3 people of 45 know that women give birth in pain.

- 10 people out of 45 know the Biblical creation story (from the word)

- 19 out of 45 people have met an old person

- 2 pepople out of 45 have ever been weak in the knees

- 8 people have seen a cartoon

- 4 people have heard of the Virgin Mary

- 12 people still have grandparents

- More people have seen Aladdin than have seen a cartoon

- 12 people have read hamlet

- 8 people have felt enthusiasm

- 5 people have grown up on farms

- 9 know what a farm is

- 9 people have either been married, seen a marriage or know someone who’s married

- 36 of 37 people have had a deja vous experience