Actually it was a nightmare, but I'll share it anyway.
I was sitting at my desk working on my computer and my uncle came in, drunk and belligerent. He accused me of something, not in words but sort of a Charlie Brown teacher wah wah
and I tried to ignore him in hopes he would give up and wander off. Instead his belligerence escalated until he was threatening to break something that my mother had given me that she'd loved. The thing he was holding isn't real but it's pretty representative; he was holding a fragile, blown glass statuette of some kind with a red center. It might've been a swan. Anyway I confronted him and tried to appease him but he kept getting more vindictive and cruel until he sort of tossed the statuette off my computer chair. It didn't break and I was relieved but then he suspended it over my keyboard by two fingers, and with a Grinchy grin dropped it. Again it didn't break but that was about the time I woke up. Or rather I was becoming awake since that was the point where I took control of my dream, went all rambo and Jackie Chan'd his ass into the ICU. Very strange... O_o