Prologue: Prayer to make this book immortal
The Creation: An unnamed god created the universe our of chaos, including flora, fauna, and potentially people, though that may have been Prometheus.
The Four Ages: The perfect beginning falling into entropy beginning with the succession of Jove after overthrowing Saturn; the child unable to match the father and maintain his pantheon and empire.
The Giants: Jove smashed the three giant mountains and the Earth formed humans from their gore. (2nd human creation?)
Lycaon: Jove 'tests' Lycaon's loyalty to the gods, Lycaon tests Jove's godliness with real food, Jove smashes all his stuff and makes him a Furry.
The Flood: Jove floods the Earth; the end.
Deucalion & Pyrrha: Jove kills everyone in the flood save Deucalion & Pyrrha, the Delphic Oracle tells them to toss the bones of their mother over their shoulder so they toss bits of Mother Earth (rocks) over their shoulders and re-populate the world.
Python: One of the stones thrown by Deucalion, or more likely Pyrrha because of the female/snake association, turns into a HUGE FRIGGIN' SNAKE and it is killed by Phoebus (Apollo), by being riddled with arrows.
Apollo & Daphne: Phoebus (Apollo) mocks Cupid so Cupid shoots him and makes him fall in love with Daphne who he makes hate Apollo (Phoebus), he chases her, she flees and turns into a Laurel tree which Phoebus wreathes his head with to signify victory.
Io & Jove: Jove and Io have a fling, Juno almost busts them but Jove turns Io into a heifer (cow) and gives her to Juno to placate her and soothe her fears on infidelity, Juno has Argus watch over Io, Jove asks Mercury to get Io Back by killing Argus so Mercury plays the Syrinx Pipes to try to lull Argus to sleep.
Syrinx: Mercury tells Argus the story of how Pan Pipes or Syrinx pipes came to be; how Pan wanted Syrinx but she ran away and was changed into reeds by nymphs to preserve her chastity & Pan made a flute out of her reeds to be able to communicate with her.
Io & Jove (part II): Argus falls asleep from the story and Mercury cuts his head off, Juno takes his 100 eyes and places them in the feathers of her sacred animal, the peacock, after this Jove begs Juno for Io's life and promises he'll never cheat on her with a cow again so Juno folds and Jove turns Io into the goddess Isis.
Phaethon: Isis had a son, Epaphus who challenged Phaethon's part-godliness so Phaethon ran to Mummy and asked her if she, Clymene, had really been with Phoebus, and if he was truly a half-god so she tells him to go ask Phoebus himself, which he promptly heads off to do so.