- Myth & Reality Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 7
- Myth, the Way We Were or the Way We Are?
- Ovid's Metamorphoses Books I-IV (Minus Perseus)
- Larry Brown's Ovid Books I-IV & Green Name Chart (Gods & Goddesses)
- Blogs!
- Blackboard (Omphalos, Axis Mundi)
When & where was Corrin born? 07/15/91 St. Louis Hospital in Franklin Wisconsin
1) Answer: Pan & Syrinx
Question: Who put Ardus to sleep?
2) Mythology = Mythos (Story) + Logos ("Truth")
3) What is in illo tempore? In the great time.
4) Axis Mundi is often represented as a ________? The center of the world.
The Omphalos? The naval.
5) What do you call violent dismemberment in mythology? Sporagmos.
6) Anamnesis = Platonic recollection
7) What are the 5 types of myth according to Eliade?
a) Creation Ex Nihilo
b) Earth Diver
c) Emergence
d) Dismemberment
e) Splitting or Ordering
8) Xenophanes stated what? Gods are in the image of theirs "people"
9) Metempsychosis - The Transmigration of Souls
10) Who was it that Jove seduced by turning into a bull? Europa
11) From Ovid's first book, what were the Ages of Man? Age of Silver Jove overthrowing Saturn.
12) Picture question (Humpty Dumpty? Creation Stories.)
13) The four creation stories from earliest to latest?
a) Woman creates
b) Woman and Snake create
c) The World created from Dismembered Female Goddess
d) Male Creates from Speech (Logos)
14) en-theos - enthusiasm (possessed by the gods)
15) daemon - the alter ego/guardian angel
16) Semele/Juno (Book II)
17) Cadmus and Harmony's 4 daughters?
a) Semele
b) Autonoe
c) Agave
d) Ino
18) Io - Hooves her name in the dirt
19) Coronis white or black ravin? Bad news.
20)Uranus, Kronos, Zeus - How did they stop their children?
a) Uranus - Stuffed his children back into mother
b) Kronos - Ate them
c) Killed the mother
21) The Mother, the Maiden, the Crone - Tripple Goddess
22) What animal was Calisto transformed into? Bear.
23) What happened to Actaeon when he gazed on a goddess? Became horny
(antlers, duh...).
24) "Don't look" stories.
25) How does Cadmus create Thebes? Planting of snake's teeth.
26) Pentheus - refuses to worship Dionysus - gets sporagmos (yay!!!)